Hi, I’m Sarah

Traveler. Dreamer. Adventurer.
So what’s with the name?
It’s about living, really. It’s about all the promises we make and break with ourselves: to get together with that beloved old friend “someday”; to take that trip “someday”; to spend a month abroad “someday”. More and more, “someday” turns out to be the day where all our dreams go to die. Because, did you really put a coffee date with that old friend on your calendar? Did you buy the plane tickets?
Usually, the answer is no.
I’ve made my own share (and then some) of someday plans, and here’s the only truth I’ve found in that path: life moves fast, and your hopes and dreams never just hop out of your head and start happening on their own.
I don’t know who came before me, who told you that you couldn’t see the world, start new, or dream big. That your dream isn’t a priority or that it’s not practical right now – – but here is the truth: there is nothing more practical than pursuing what makes you feel alive. Even as a busy parent, a broke college student, or simply as a human being – you owe it to yourself and to those who love you. You are worthy of big dreams, new territories, and many new beginnings.
My dream has always been to travel the world. If you’re here, then maybe that’s your dream too.
So my humble hope is this: that we can give you the courage, the push, the information, the whatever-you-need to ‘buy the ticket’. To help make the steps toward your dream adventure make more sense. To remind you that wherever you dream, someday can be today.
Are you ready?